"I make all things new..."
Revelation 21:5
Mornings. The whole earth is yawning
and stretching and wiping the sleep from its eyes! The sun is piercing the sky, golden and breathtaking in all of its radiant beauty.
Shhhh... There's a quiet to the morning
that is broken gently by the rustling of the trees stretching and
yawning to shake the sleep out of their branches. The sun is peeking
over the clouds, tiptoeing into another day. The birds are chattering
over their babies, nudging them into a new day. I sit at the window
and bask in the rays of light that stream into my little abode. Most
of the world is still in its pajamas. I am alone with my thoughts
and with my God. I treasure these moments that begin another day.
No one is speaking. The coffee is perking on the stove. The babies
are still asleep in their beds. It is a new day.
Only a few minutes and then its over.
But for those few minutes, heaven kisses the earth with promise.
Like precious jewels, I savor these moments, alone with my God. Lord, remind me
today that You are in it all. No matter what happens today, there is
a morning coming that will be forever. Help me to savor the moments.
Until that great “waking up morning” in heaven. Lord, remind
me, You are in it all...