Tuesday, January 24, 2012

It's All Such a Blur!

This is the week I have been both waiting for and anxiously dreading, all at the same time!  I'm feeling a little schizophrenic!  I am having surgery a week from tomorrow and cannot wait to have that behind me and on to a speedy (let's hope!) recovery.  I am also in the process of moving this weekend!  I am nothing if not a Master of Perfect Timing!  Oh, well, try as I did, I could not arrange it otherwise, so this is the way it's all shaking out.  I am hyperventilating at the thought of it all, even as we speak!

I tell you this to -

(1) Explain to you that I will be Missing In Action for about a week, maybe a little longer, until the fog clears and I am able to put my thoughts together in a reasonably rational way. Yes, I cherish the thought that I am rational, even if my kids would make a strong case to the contrary!

There's lots of old posts here for anyone who wants to peruse them in a moment of mind boggling boredom that may overcome you!  For any of you who are interested in the book club, we will be reading "Half The Sky," which was requested by Shannon to be our next book.  When I get back, I will finish the review of "The Weight of Your Words" since I believe we have spent enough time on this book and its time to move on.  I sincerely hope many of you are able to get the book, "Half the Sky" and read it with us.  I have not read it yet and am very much looking forward to reading it with you.  We should be into that book by the middle of February, God willing and the creek don't rise!

(2)  Please keep me in your prayers for a successful surgery, move, and recovery.  I'm exhausted just thinking about it all!  See you soon!



  1. I'll be praying for you. Everything is going to be alright. :)

  2. In answer to the questions you asked me on my blog post...I did write some poetry back in high school and actually still have my collection tucked away in a wooden trunk. As far as my favorite type of writing to do: creative. I would love to write a novel someday. I also like introspective stuff where I can share what I've learned, then turn it into a thought provoking message for the reader to take away with them. I'm sure that is evident in some of my posts. I hope your surgery goes well with a quick recovery. I confess to actually starting the book already...it's sad but very informative.

    1. Shannon - Taking a little longer than I thought to get completely up and running. Haven't started the book yet, but glad you have. You may have finished it already! Let me know your thoughts. Will try to begin to post on it by early March, if not sooner.

  3. I'm missing you Maureen and anxiously await your return. Speedy recovery my friend.

    1. Thank you, Lottie! God must have heard you because I couldn't get the idea out of my mind today that I need to WRITE!! You are a blessing and such an encouragement to me! Thanks for being there, Lottie. I treasure you.


How are you doing on your journey with the Lord? Started yet? Still searching. My prayer is that you will be encouraged to seek after Him with all your heart. Without a doubt, you will find Him. He is searching for YOU!