Thursday, October 20, 2011

A Bushel and a Peck...

I wrote this recently for a dear, dear friend who is coping with her second bout of cancer. I used to sing this sweet children's song to my granddaughter to calm her down to rest or when she had just awakened and was disoriented.

Really, that's just the way we are sometimes as grown-ups! Life can be terrifying sometimes. We see 'lions and tigers and bears, oh, my!' and are just plain scared about what's coming next. Or we are going through a painful experience that we weren't prepared for and we so much need the reassurance that we are not alone. We need the sweet caress of the Father, loving us, comforting us, holding on to us.

That is my prayer for you today, dear friend. May you know, no matter what you're going through, that The Father has you. He is able to keep you. Rest your head on His shoulder and let Him carry you. You were never meant to do it all alone...

A Bushel and a Peck...

"I love you. A bushel and a peck. A bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck!"

I smile to think of the Father singing it to me today. He's swinging me in His lap on
the porch swing. It's a beautiful fall day right before winter blows in. I snuggle closer to the warmth of Him. His arms are holding me. His voice is singing over me. His eyes are smiling down on me. He starts to laugh and pulls me close for a whisper just between us. "Do not fear little one. I have you. You are safe..."

I look into His face and see His smile. In that moment, I let go of all my fears. The Father's love surrounds me. No matter what's coming, He has me. I am safe...

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How are you doing on your journey with the Lord? Started yet? Still searching. My prayer is that you will be encouraged to seek after Him with all your heart. Without a doubt, you will find Him. He is searching for YOU!