Friday, June 14, 2013

Everything that has Breath...

"Let everything that has breath
Praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord!
Psalm 150:6
(This is a reprint of a favorite poem from 2011!) 

"Everyday Praises"

In McDonald's
and in the park

In the morning
and in the dark.

In the hospital
and in the store

In the needy
and in the more.

In the sunshine
and in the rain

In the laughter
and in the pain.

For snowflakes
and rainbows

For fingers
and toes.

For gardens
and beaches

For Whip Cream
and peaches.

For family and friends
For tears that are shed

For getting up mornings
and goings to bed.

For saying I'm sorry
and hearing it too

For friendships I treasure
and those I adieu!

For grace to forgive
And receive it as well

For ears that are tickled
With stories I tell.

For seasons that change
And things that do not

For wisdom to seek You
In spite of the what.

For questions I ask
And the answers You give

For prayers that are prayed
Every moment I live.

For the millions of ways
You have shown me Your love

You have covered me
Over with gifts from above.

For babies
I bounced upon my knee

For the beautiful world
You have given for free.

Like a Father who loves me
You dote on your child

I see You all over
In tears and in smiles.

Amazed by Your grace
I'm in love with Your face

You are the wonder
of all that I see.

For the heaven You purchased
With the blood of the Lamb

For everything, Father,
I thank you. Amen!



  1. that's beautiful MAUREEN.yOU ARE A WRITER!


How are you doing on your journey with the Lord? Started yet? Still searching. My prayer is that you will be encouraged to seek after Him with all your heart. Without a doubt, you will find Him. He is searching for YOU!